Yo he estado en Espana (I have been in Spain) or, Yo he ido a Espana ( I have gone to Spain).

Is it correct to say you have ever been to Spain?

no. the right way is, Have you ever been to Spain?

Which is the most beautiful city in Spain?

I would say the most beautiful city is Barcelona. I have not been there but I am moving there! 🙂

How do you say has been in Spanish?

He/she/it has been is “ha sido” or “ha estado” depending on how permanent the state of being is. If someone has been sick or has been in Spain, use “ha estado”. If you say “Southern Ireland has been Catholic…” use “ha sido” because the state of being is a permanent characteristic.

Did the French invent French toast?

To be honest, no one really knows, some say it is from America, others say England and Spain. but ive been researching it and it seems that french toast it actually from Spain! French toast was named after Joesph French the inventer!

How do you say computer in Spain?

In South America they say la computadora. In Spain they say el ordenador.

How do you say ‘juice’ in Spanish in Spain?

To say ‘juice’ in Spanish in Spain, you would say ‘zumo.’

How do you say Spain in English?

Spain Spain is how we say the country’s name in English. In Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries, it is called España (ess-PAHN-yah).

How do you say I have the Spain information?

i have the Spain information

How do you say Spain in Esperanto?

Spain = Hispanio

What are the three important cities in Spain besides Madrid?

I would say Barcelona, Bilbao & Salamanca & I have been to all 3 cities!

How long has Spain been a country?

The Spain that we know today has been a round since 1469. The historical Spain has been around since 206 B.C.

How do you say off to Spain in Spanish?

Off to Spain

How do you say i am from Spain in Spanish?

Soy alino de aceitunas con pimenton España would be the best way to say “I am from Spain” in Spanish.

Which is better Spain or france?

It’s a matter of opinion some say Spain others say France.

How do you say Ive never been in spanish?

“Nunca he sido” or “Nunca he estado” Examples: I’ve never been shy / Nunca he sido tímido I’ve never been in Spain / Nunca he estado en España

When was anarchy started?

Anarchy has been around for generations and none knows exactly when anarchy was started, but it has been around for a while. But the only real society we can say had a true anarchy was Catalonia Spain

How do you say Spain in German?

“Spanien” is the German word for “Spain”.

How do people in Spain say welcome to Spain?

Bienvenido a España

Where is Espana in Spain?

España is the spanish word to say Spain.

How do you say ‘Spain’ in Bulgarian?

Ispania Испания

What do you say when someone sneezes in Spain?

¡Salud! It means health. You say “Jesús” in Spain but “salud” in Latin America.

When did Spain gain indepence?

Spain has never been colonized singe the 15th century and thus it has not been possible for Spain to gain independence from anyone.

Did sir Francis drake and Columbus both go to Spain?

No. Drake was English and going to Spain would have been the last place he would have been. Spain and England were at war. Columbus was FROM Spain.

How did the Romans say Spain?

The Roman or Latin word for Spain is Hispania.

How are countries doing since they adopted the euro?

There have been mixed results, to say the least. France and Germany are doing well, but Spain and Greece have all but collapsed.

Who has ever been to Madrid Spain?

I have! Madrid is my hometown in Spain.

What have conspiracy theorists pointed to as the cause of the USS Maine explosion?

Some think that Spain was responsible for the explosion that killed most of the crew. But others say it may have been the Cuban rebels. The reasoning, that the Cubans sank the USS Maine knowing Spain would be blamed for it. Either way, there has never been any proof of those theories and an actual cause has not been determined.

How do you say goodbye in Spain?

umm,u say adios

How do you say girl in Spain?

You can say girl in Spain like la chica or la Nina or la muchacha. There are other ways as well.

Who discovered Spain and when?

This question has no answer. Spain has been occupied since prehistory.

Was Spain in a war?

Yes, Spain has been involved in many wars.

How many popes have been from Spain?

There have been two popes from Spain: Pope Alexander VI Pope Callixtus III

Do you think the patriots would have won without help from France and Spain?

They needed to borrow money from somewhere to finance the war. It is hard to say how much help they got from France and Spain. It would surely have been harder to win the war without their help.

How many times the olympic games has been held in Spain?

the olympic games has been held in spain ……… i dont know how many times beut its been

How do you say Spain in french masculine?

Spain is “Espagne” in French. This is a feminine noun and there is no masculine for it.

How do you say friend in Spain?

amigo Amigo(Spain word) means Friend in english.

How do you say I love Spain in Spanish?

“Me encanta España.” literally “Spain enchants me” or “Yo amo España.” literally “I love Spain.”

How do you say they to in Spain?

“They to” is Ellos/ellas a.

Was Sicily ever a part of Spain?

Sicily has never been a part of Spain, but has at various times been under Spanish rule.

How long has Juan Carlos been the King of Spain?

Juan Carlos has been the King of Spain since 22 November 1975.

Did guitars originate from Africa or Spain?

From the way I have been informed, they originated in Spain.

What year was Spain discovered?

Spain has been occupied since the time of the Neanderthal.

Has the UN ever intervened in Spain?

No. There has been no need for the UN to intervene in Spain.

What do people in Spain worship?

Spain is mainly a Catholic country. It has been for centuries.

Is Spain a colony?

No. Spain has never been a colony nor is it one now.

How do you say Spain in French?

The French name for Spain is l’Espagne – pronounced ‘ley-span-ya’.

How do you say ‘Spain’ in Spanish?

España ?Yo soy Espana, y tu?

What religions are there in Spain?

About 75% of Spain is Roman Catholic. About 20% say they are atheists or non-believers.

How long is a flight from Spain to London?

Depends where in Spain, say 2 and a half hours average.

Is Selena gomez going to Spain?

Selena Gomez Has not been to Spain yet, But she might go to Spain one day.


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