(CBS/AP) LOS ANGELES – Lindsay Lohan arrived late to her first day of community service at the morgue and was turned away, according to coroner’s officials.

Spokesman Craig Harvey says the actress was 40 minutes late to an orientation session scheduled for 8 a.m. on Thursday, but will be given another chance to show up on time on Friday.

Pictures: Celebrity mug shotsPictures: Lindsay Lohan

Her spokesman Steve Honig says the actress’ tardiness was partially because she didn’t know which entrance to the facility to use.

“Lindsay arrived at the morgue approximately 20 minutes late and will be returning for orientation tomorrow,” Honig said, according to CNN. “Her lateness was due to a combination of not knowing what entrance to go through and confusion caused by the media waiting for her arrival. Lindsay spoke with the supervisors at the morgue. They showed her how to get in and everything is all cleared up.”

According to TMZ, assistant chief coroner Ed Winter told reporters that Lohan had been to the building before and was given directions on where to go.

Lohan, 25, addressed the mishap on Twitter: “With all of the stress and pressure from yesterday and today, I’ve never been so happy to go to therapy!!!! Also, I’m sorry for the confusion that I may of caused to those at the Coroner’s office. Won’t happen again, now I know where to go! Thank you for your help.”

The actress tried to report to the morgue one day after she was scolded by a judge for being terminated from a community service assignment at a women’s shelter. The hearing ended with the 25-year-old actress’ probation being revoked and her being led from court in handcuffs.

She later posted $100,000 bail and 해남출장안마 was released. She is due back in court on Nov. 2.

Superior Court Judge Stephanie Sautner urged her to complete a minimum of 16 hours of her community service at the county morgue before her next scheduled hearing Nov. 2. At that time, Sautner will decide whether Lohan should serve her fifth stint behind bars.