(CBS) Bill Maher has taken more hits at Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow. A week after poking fun at the NFL star on Twitter, the “Real Time” host is back at it, and now he’s including visuals.

In his latest series of tweets, Maher posted two photos of himself “Tebowing” – aka getting down on one knee as Tebow does on the field.

“Just in case #Kim Jung-iL DID die and came back to life, I decided to do my daily Tebowing by him,” Maher wrote on New Year’s Eve.

In one of the photos, Maher is seen kneeling in a tree with the accompanying tweet: “TREEbowing Happy New Year everybody and thanks to the 600,000 who joined me on twitter in 2011.”

Maher first sparked controversy over his Christmas Eve tweet, 영암출장마사지 which combined Tebow, Hitler, Jesus and Satan all within Twitter’s 144 character limit. That message sparked both outrage and support for Maher’s humor.

The comedian has since responded to all of the attention: “Overreaction fr biblethumpers re my Tebow tweet reminds me of North Koreans wailing at the Kim Jung-il funeral: Brainwashing is brainwashing,” he wrote.

Another tweet about Tebow referenced Katy Perry and Russell Brand’s recent divorce plans. “My thoughts/prayers go out to Russel [sic] and Katy and I’m calling on our lord and savior Tim Tebow to bring them back together for a makeup [expletive],” Maher tweeted.

Tell us: Do you think Maher is funny, or are his tweets about Tebow over the top?