America’s opioid crisis is expanding to a new class of victims—unborn children.

\ube14\uc18c \ubaa8\ubc14\uc77c\uae4c\uc9c0 \ub4f1\uc7a5! \ub300\ud615 IP \ucd1d\uc9d1\ud569, \ub137\ub9c8\ube14 \uc2e0\uc791 26\uc885 \u0026#39;\ud3ed\uaca9 ...Infants are being born with symptoms of withdrawal, also known as Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, 바다 이야기 무료 다운로드 or NAS. In the last decade, states like Tennessee have seen a ten-fold rise in the number of babies born with NAS.

One judge in White County, Tennessee is offering a controversial solution to the problem.