Clint Eastwood’s speculative biopic tries to delve deep by going beyond historical hype to reveal the complex personality that was J. Edgar Hoover.

Reviled and 창원출장업소 revered as the head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for nearly half a century, J. Edgar Hoover, portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio, guarded his privacy as closely as he held secrets uncovered about nearly every leading figure during the time he headed the FBI.

Through eight presidents and three wars, Hoover waged battle against threats both real and perceived. He was a man loathed by many, while being heralded a hero for capturing some of the most wanted fugitives of the day.

Photos: Leonardo DiCaprio

Clint Eastwood’s directorial foray into Hoover’s personal life springs from a screenplay by Oscar winner Dustin Lance Black (“Milk”) that delves into Hoover’s protective inner circle of confidants. Clyde Tolson (Arnie Hammer) was known to be his closest confidant and also his constant companion, while Helen Gandy (Naomi Watts), his private secretary, was the one, possibly, most privy to his confidential dossiers, which no one in power seemed to be exempt from.

Told in a series of flashbacks, and narrated by a senior Hoover to FBI agents to document his memoir, the film spans the rise of Hoover through the ranks and focuses on a series of events that form the foundation of the film. His relationship with his headstrong mother (Judi Dench) permeates throughout the film and gives us a sense of his strong devotion and intent to please her, as well as looking at some of the high level crimes he had his hand in “solving.” Ranking at the top of that list is the kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby in the 1930s. Much of his goal through his narration is clearly not to represent history, but more to cement his own legacy and place in history.