(CBS) On Monday the Associated Press reported a recent Fairleigh Dickinson University PublicMind poll found “Jersey Shore” isn’t killing New Jersey’s reputation and may, in fact, be helping it.

The poll participants clearly hadn’t seen the trailer for “Jersey Shore” and its fourth season.

Pictures: “Jersey Shore”Pictures: Snooki’s Book Release

(Click through to watch trailer)

It’s all here. GTL. Fighting. The language bleeped so many times you’re not sure who’s yelling at whom. And 토토 돈 따는 법 now it’s all happening in Italy. USA! USA!

Favorite moments: Snooki’s car accident. Ronnie fighting The Situation. Snooki yelling “I don’t deserve this right now” (note: she probably does). And then there’s this line: “It takes something really bad happened in this house to realize how much we love each other.” [sic]

The fourth season of “Jersey Shore” premieres Aug. 4.