\ucd9c\uc7a5\uc0f5 BMW\ucd9c\uc7a5\ub9cc\ub0a8 69bmw.com\uc5d0 \uc788\ub294 \uc11c\ub098 \uc815\ub2d8\uc758 \ud540 | Face \ubc0f Bra(CBS News) Russia’s parliament unanimously voted in favor of a measure banning adoptions of Russian children by American on Wednesday. The vote comes after years of increasingly strict adoption laws in Russia and 동두천콜걸 is widely seen as a retaliation against a new U.S. law that punishes Russians accused of human rights violations.

Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed support for the ban and has previously called it a legitimate response to the new U.S. law. Despite voicing his support, Putin — who will now sign or turn down the measure –stopped short of confirming that he would sign it into law.